RSS Feeds from Wilts and Gloucestershire Standard

Keep up to date with local news, sport and entertainment from Wilts and Gloucestershire Standard by using RSS feeds.

RSS stands for Really Simple Syndication or Rich Site Summary. Our RSS feeds contain story headlines, links and descriptions and are constantly updated - at the same time as the website. When you click on a link in the feed you go straight to our site to read the full story.

Wilts and Gloucestershire Standard publishes most of its content in the form of RSS feeds. But please be aware that our RSS feeds are strictly for personal, non-commercial purposes only and are subject to our terms and conditions.

If you wish to discuss any commercial content or data feed requirements please contact us

To use our RSS feeds, follow these three easy steps:

    Step One: Decide how you want to view your RSS feeds. You can download an app to view them on your mobile device, add them to your personalised Yahoo or MSN page; or view them on your desktop using a feed reader such as Feedburner or Bloglines. you can also use the built-in RSS readers that are incorporated into the latest browser versions of Internet Explorer, Firefox Safari and Google Chrome.
    You can find a list of free RSS readers here.

    Step Two: Click on the Wilts and Gloucestershire Standard RSS feed of your choice using the orange logo next to the channel header. Follow the instructions on your web browser or reader to sign up (‘subscribe’) to the feed. You may need to copy then paste the RSS feed address from your browser window. You can subscribe to as many of our feeds as you like so repeat this step until you have all of the feeds you need.

    Step Three: Check that your RSS reader is now automatically updating with your chosen feed.

See below for a complete list of all of the free RSS feeds available from the Wilts and Gloucestershire Standard:

News Articles

  • /rss/rsstermsandconditions/ News

Sports Articles

  • /rss/rsstermsandconditions/ Sport

Other Articles