THE Bathurst 2,350 house planning application will, if approved, impact this town forever. 

The decision will be taken by the full council. 

This application is not the standard run-of-the mill application normally considered by this council; it is about changing the whole nature of Cirencester, including its demographic make up. 

Cotswold District Council have now decided that a large section of the town’s residents, some 35-40 per cent altogether, will not be represented when it comes to the vote on planning application 16/00054/OUT. 

The ward councillors for Four Acres, Watermoor and Chesterton will not be allowed to vote in this momentous decision for the town. 

It is totally unacceptable that a large section of the town’s residents will therefore not be represented when it comes to this very important vote.

This injustice applies to some 35-40% of this town’s residents. 

Are you one of them? 

This application is simply too big for this town. 

It is unfair to exclude any of the town’s residents their representation in the vote on the Bathurst gargantuan application.
