A FAMOUS Cotswolds town could soon be starring on the silver screen if town councillors get their way.

Stow-on-the-Wold Town Council, which last year bought the rights to the town square and the Lord of the Manor title that goes with it, is looking at ways to generate income.

One suggestion is to attract film-makers to the town.

Cllr Moyra McGhie, chairman of the Stow Square working party, is due to meet a representative of South West Screen, an agency seeking to promote film locations in the South West, about the possibility of championing Stow as an ideal location.

If the plan goes ahead it could mark a dramatic shift in attitudes to films being shot in the town.

In 2005, Working Title, makers of Bridget Jones’ Diary, approached the town about a planned two-week shoot in the square for the comedy Hot Fuzz.

Members of Stow Business Association rejected the plan, which they said would ruin trade.

Despite a public outcry and a last-minute plea by former mayor Alan Rose to rethink their decision, Working Title opted to film in Wells, Somerset, instead.

The movie, starring Simon Pegg, Nick Frost, Bill Nighy and Timothy Dalton, went on to become a big hit, gaining Wells publicity and prompting the city’s clerk Keith Donaghue to comment at the time that Stow missed a "golden opportunity".

Mr Donaghue said: "We were thrilled when the film crew came, and since the premiere the tourism benefits have been tremendous. The crew spent £500,000 in the town the six weeks they were here and we got £6,000 to spend on Christmas lights."