A STREAM of complaints by traders and councillors in Malmesbury against a massive increase in long stay parking fees may have won a concession from the unitary authority.

There were fears that low paid staff and volunteers would be forced to give up their jobs when faced with a 400 per cent increase to £5.10 for all day parking in the Station Yard.

But Wiltshire Council is looking at a season ticket scheme that could mean charges equivalent to £6.27 per week.

In his response to the complaints transport portfolio holder Dick Tonge said: "We do understand the problem of people working in towns and the effect of the increase in the daily rate of parking.

"As a consequence we will be offering more flexible season tickets that will make the daily rate much lower.

"This is being put forward for approval and I expect to be able to be able to announce these by the end of February."

Wiltshire Councillor for Malmesbury Simon Killane said: "This new parking charging policy shocked and angered the majority of shop owners and small businesses in Malmesbury. "They rightly do not understand why they should be charged to work. Charity shop volunteers, part timers and those on or close to the minimum wage would have been penalised the most.

I welcome attempts by the council to address the situation by offer concessionary passes to those who work in the town."

In its opposition to the increases, due to be introduced in April, the town council claimed they would have an impact on the number of people coming into Malmesbury.

The community had worked to cut antisocial behaviour in the Station Yard and make it more attractive to residents in the Westport area who face chronic parking problems.

Cllr Tonge said the raise was needed because the government grant had been cut drastically.

"If car parking charges were to stay at their current levels this would result in an income loss of £1.5m.

"Within my cabinet portfolio the only way I could accommodate this is to reduce bus subsidies, which would decimate bus services in Wiltshire," he explained. "The other alternative would be to increase council tax. Either of these would hit the most vulnerable in society most."

He said that for many years Malmesbury had the lowest long stay parking charges in the county. Devizes charged £6.10 while drivers in Melksham, Warminster and Westbury paid £3.80.

If approved the annual season ticket for Malmesbury will be £326.28. It will also be available monthly, quarterly and six-monthly.

Virtual tickets will allow two registration numbers to be used. Businesses will also be able to have a paper permit that can be used by any employee.