A WOMAN who was left 'screaming in agony' has praised the medics who diagnosed a serious medical condition and are helping her get the most out of life.

Krys Kemple, from Ebley, Stroud, was diagnosed with myeloma - a blood cancer which develops in the bone marrow - in August 2022 after months of excruciating back pain at just 56.

By this time the disease has started weakening her bones and her back was broken in three places.

Krys, a test engineer, has now thanked the team at Gloucestershire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust for supporting her through a rollercoaster of treatment which has giving her a chance to lead a full life.

While it is incurable, myeloma can be controlled.

“When the consultant told me it was myeloma, he was so nice and so relaxed – I just had total faith in the team,” she said.

“They were so sweet and took me through everything. The team kept me going. They keep you buoyant.

“I have a massive sense of humour and I like making people laugh.

"Whenever I can, I’m going to lighten the mood. They really get my sense of humour and they’ve never made me feel like I was silly or ignorant. I’m lucky. The support of my family and my team has been phenomenal.”

Krys had been struggling to recover from a pulmonary embolism in both lungs when her GP ordered blood tests back in February 2022.

Tests showed she suffered from MGUS, a benign condition which had just a 1% chance of developing into a cancer like myeloma.

Within three weeks she started experiencing excruciating back pain.

“I just felt something go in my spine,” she said. “I was screaming in agony."

Eventually a scan revealed her spine was broken in three places and she was diagnosed with myeloma in August 2022.

“The doctor said it looked like a crash injury,” said Krys.

Radiotherapy significantly reduced the back pain before Krys enrolled in a clinical trial.

She received a stem cell transplant in February last year but unfortunately the cancer came back earlier this year.

Despite this setback, Krys is determined to live the best life she can

She enjoyed a trip on a helicopter to mark her first 100 days post-stem cell transplant last year and hopes to buy a pony and trap as she loves horses.

“You have to change your mindset,” she said.

“I’m doing things that make me smile. Every day is a win for me at the moment.”

Myeloma is hard to spot as symptoms are often vague and dismissed as ageing.

Now the medical team who looked after Krys have won a national award.

Gloucestershire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust has been presented with the Myeloma UK Clinical Service Excellence Programme Award in recognition of its care of patients with the condition.

Staff were praised for their efforts to improve quality of life.