A BUSINESS in Cirencester has issued a strong warning for people to be wary after a scammer has been falsely posing as its company on social media.

A profile named Claire Clark has been posting into Facebook groups advertising a summer fayre  supposedly on behalf of Gardiner Haskins.

The profile states the company is currently looking for traders to pay £50 for a stall space and encourages people to private message.

However, marketing manager Karley Robbins from Gardiner Haskins says the person is not affiliated with the company and they were “shocked” to learn of the scam.

She said: "We are shocked that somebody would target local small traders using our name. 

“We have worked hard to build up a good reputation in Cirencester over the past 45 years and would hate for someone to lose money to this.

“We encourage anyone who sees something that portrays to be from us to please contact us via our official Facebook page, website or by phone on 01285 657751, we are always happy to answer questions."

“Please be vigilant and report any posts you see"

A spokesperson from Gardiner Haskins said on Facebook: “Please share with friends and family.

“We have been alerted that this advert is being posted over social media.

"We have NO plans for a Summer Fayre and this person is not affiliated with Gardiner Haskins. 

“During our research we have found this profile has posted multiple different fayres in different areas on the same day. 

“Please be vigilant and report any posts you see to the relevant admin/social media channel.”

A profile has been posting into Facebook groups falsely posing as Cirencester company Gardiner HaskinsA profile has been posting into Facebook groups falsely posing as Cirencester company Gardiner Haskins (Image: Facebook screenshot)