CHILDREN will be able to indulge their reading desires with a scheme to give them book tokens to spend.

Read for Good is proud to say that with funding from National Book Tokens, they will give out 1500 National Book Tokens to children in local schools.

Read for Good wants to make reading accessible to all children who may not normally go into a bookshop or think about buying a new book.

This partnership gives children the opportunity to enter a bookshop with the knowledge that they can pick a book that they would like to read.

The Yellow-Lighted Book Shop in Tetbury and Nailsworth is excited to be part of this project.

The schools taking part in this fantastic project are Hesters Way, Nailsworth Primary, Cirencester Kingshill, Sir William Romney, St Mary's, Willow Primary, and Callowell Primary.

Phil Smith is the Head of English at Cirencester Kingshill School said: "All of us at Cirencester Kingshill are thrilled to be involved in the Brilliant Bookshop Experience through National Book Tokens and Read for Good.

"It is such a wonderful, generous project, allowing students to independently select a book that piques their individual tastes and interests. We wholeheartedly believe that reading for pleasure has huge benefits to our students' academic ambitions, their ability to empathise with others, and their emotional well-being; we hope that for some of our students, this project might just be the spark that ignites a lifelong love of reading.

"We would like to thank National Book Tokens and Read for Good for involving Cirencester Kingshill in such an ambitious, important and joyful experience."

The book tokens have been kindly designed by Sarah McIntyre, a British-American illustrator and writer of children's books and comics.