A WARRANT has been issued for Ben Savory's arrest after he failed to turn up to court.

Ben Savory, aged 30, formerly of Cirencester, but now of Hawthorn Road, Cheltenham, was due to be sentenced for six thefts from shops and cafes in Cirencester at Gloucester Crown Court yesterday, Monday, June 20.

The charges he was going to be sentenced for included:  

  •  Theft of robot toys, sewing kits and cards to the value of £145 from Waterstones on March 20, 2023.
  • Stealing £77 worth of meat from Morrisons on September 22, 2023.
  • Stealing a tips box of unknown value after entering Caffé Nero as a trespasser on September 23, 2023.
  • Theft of meat and cheese worth £252 from Morrisons on September 7, 2023.
  • Entering He Says, She Waffles as a trespasser on December 2, 2021 and stealing £450 cash.
  • Stealing three bottles of whisky valued at £186 from Corn Hall Deli on May 23, 2023.

He was also due to be sentenced for five breaches of a criminal behaviour order which bans him from entering retail premises in the town.

But he failed to show up to the hearing so Judge Rupert Lowe issued a warrant without bail for his arrest.

"We will see him when he is picked up!" said the judge.

The prosecutor said that there was a 'very high risk that he will commit further offences' if he is not apprehended and kept in custody pending sentence.

James Bignall, defending, said he had no information on Savory's whereabouts.

"I tried to telephone him but his phone is switched off," he said.