A GENEROUS donation means that pupils at a primary school in our area can continue to benefit from a vital mental health service.

Staff at Kempsford Primary School were elated when The Royal Air Force Charitable Trust Enterprises, organisers of the Royal International Air Tattoo, provided the school with a grant which ensures that pupils can continue to benefit from the Emotional Literacy Support Assistants programme for the rest of the school year.

This training course, which is aimed specifically at teaching assistants or other specialist school roles, covers many areas such as emotional literacy and active listening.

Weekly sessions are available to all pupils at Kempsford Primary, with uptake increasing since it was first offered in 2022. 

Without the generous grant the sessions would have stopped in February due to a lack of funding. 

Headteacher Mrs Helen Seward said that the programme hugely benefit students as it helps them feel supported during difficult life events and situations.

Mrs Seward said: "The sessions are specific to the needs of the children or group of children.

"They provide children time with a friendly, supportive adult that they trust.

“Emotional Literacy Support Assistants can be as a result of something instant such as family death or a situation that is ongoing. 

“Without these sessions many of the children would feel they are not being listened to and their ability to manage the situation would become difficult and can result in unwanted behaviour. 

“The main challenge is providing the funding to pay someone's wages to do it.

"Without the grant provided the sessions would have stopped at February half term.

“The trained assistant goes above and beyond to see as many children as possible in one day but this is not always possible so the second challenge is time."

One parent, whose child has received support from a trained practitioner, said: “My child has been attending these sessions due to experiencing grief from the loss of his nanny.  

“These sessions mean everything to him and I can't praise the support enough."