WEEKLY Fairford and Lechlade news by Chris Roberts MBE. 

1. Two six-year old twin girls have had their hair cut for charity.

Delilah and Felicity Evans, who live in Fairford and go to Fairford Primary School, decided that they would like their waist-length long hair cut short and would like to use the opportunity to help others.

Their first ever big hair cut was done by stylist, Vicky Whiteman of Inspirations Fairford, who cut off the minimum 30cm of hair required by the cancer charity The Little Princess Trust and then plaited the tresses together to keep them secure.

Wilts and Gloucestershire Standard: Twins after their haircutsThe Little Princess Trust has been giving hair and hope to children with cancer since 2005 by providing free real hair wigs to children and young people who have lost their own hair through cancer treatment or other health conditions.

The Little Princess Trust has now provided over 15,000 wigs and invested over £23 million in ground-breaking childhood cancer research.

Felicity and Delilah’s father, Dean, said: “It costs around £700 to provide one wig to a child or young person and that was the sum we were hoping to raise. However, our Just Giving page has now received over twice that amount and we are thrilled that our two girls have helped to fund wigs for two other children.”

Sonia, the twins’ mum, said: “We talked at home together about having their hair cut short for charity and they both wanted to do it to help ‘poorly children’. They weren’t nervous at all and have been really looking forward to doing something positive for others.”

The Little Princess Trust currently supplies around 2,000 wigs every year and so need financial donations as well as hair donations. If you would like to support Felicity and Delilah’s fundraising effort and help sick children at the same time, please go to the Just Giving page at: https://www.justgiving.com/page/dean-evans-1699905429220?utm_term=rmDMvVZ2e.

2. Help reinstate rich habitat 

Help the Ernest Cook Trust restore and reconnect on the River Coln and help the Trust reinstate the ecologically rich habitat of the River Coln with supported practical conservation and green skills volunteering opportunities for young adults aged 18-30.

No previous knowledge or experience required. Support with travel costs available. Taking place on Wednesdays from January 10 to February 28 from 11.30am-3.15pm at The Ernest Cook Trust, Fairford Park, GL7 4JH. WhatThreeWords – sidelined-tractor-shed. For more information or to book your place: phone 07423 635538 or email karen.price@ ernestcooktrust.org.uk. Visit website: www.ernestcooktrust. org.uk.

3. Messy Church meeting 

The next Messy Church meeting will be on Sunday January 14 starting at 4pm in St Mary’s Church.

The theme is ‘Learning to live together’ and it encourages people to realise that everyone is beautiful and precious to God regardless of race, gender, sexuality or class.

The meeting will also be thinking a bit about noticing and acting on injustice in communities and church.

There will be activities and a Celebration on this theme followed by a cooked meal in Fairford Community Centre.

The meeting will finish about 6pm. Everyone is welcome. It would be a help for catering purposes to know if you intend to come along, but there will be enough food even if you don’t notify the organisers. For further information contact Sarah Bottomley on 01285 712074 or stmaryslmt@gmail.com.

4. Zumba 

Zumba with Hender Corredor

Escalante starts back at the Palmer Hall, Fairford on Monday January 15 at 6.30pm. Full class details on www.zeshender.com. No booking is needed. Just turn up.

5. Much-loved lunch-club launches

The much-loved Edna Dawes Lunch Club will be launching on Mondays from January 15 as well as Wednesdays.

The Club provide a warm meal, activities, socialising, refreshments and transportation if needed, all for a low cost of £10.

Please get in touch with Katie, EDLC Team Leader, for more information on attending Monday or Wednesday sessions or to volunteer: 07713 607 106, edlc@friendsoffairford. org.uk.

6. Fairford History Society meeting 

The next meeting of Fairford History Society (FHS) will be on Thursday January 18 and will be an afternoon tea meeting between 2pm-4pm in Fairford Community Centre. There will be local history displays and local historical items to view and an opportunity to visit the Fairford History Society Archive Room on the upper floor of the Community Centre where more items will be on display.

For this meeting, entry is free, but donations for teas would be appreciated. New members will be very welcome. For further information, contact Alison on 01285 711768, enquiry@ fairfordhistory.org.uk or visit www.fairfordhistory.org.uk.

7. How to support health and well-being

If you would like an exciting new opportunity, want to meet new people and help the Friends of Fairford & Lechlade Communities’ continue to support the health and wellbeing of local people, please consider volunteering. There are a variety of roles available including: Trustees, Lunch Clubs, Patient Transport Service, Charity Recipe Book and the Bereavement Café. To find out more, contact 01285 707300, admin@friendsoffairford.org.uk.

8. New year quiz 

Lechlade & District Twinning Association will be holding a New Year Quiz on Saturday January 13 at 7pm for a 7.30pm start in Lechlade Memorial Hall.

£10 per person to include a glass of bubbly on arrival, cheese and paté platters and a pay bar. For tickets, please contact Jane Sullivan Brown: 07850 002521, jane@leshed.plus.com or Hilary Knight: 07979 645033.

9. Pram service and playgroup 

 Little Lights’ pram service and play group will be held on Wednesday January 17 from 9.30am-11am in St Lawrence Church.

All babies and pre-school children warmly welcomed with parents, grandparents and carers. No charge and no need to book.

Come when you can and leave when you must.

10. The challenges facing the National Trust 

On Thursday January 18 at 2.30pm there will be a talk on behalf of Upper Thames and Ridgeway National Trust Association (UTRNTA) in Lechlade Memorial Hall by Andy Beer (Director of Operations and Consultancy at the National Trust) about ‘The Challenges Facing the National Trust’.

Andy delivered a Zoom talk and answered questions during lockdown, which was very well received. This talk will look at the situation over two years down the line. Visitors most welcome. Visit www.utrnta. co.uk.