AN ALERT has been issued after a wheelchair was stolen from a shed in a village near Cirencester.

A wheelchair, mobility walker and a walking frame were stolen from an unlocked shed in Sapperton sometime between Friday, December 8 and Monday, December 18.

The police have urged residents to make sure their sheds are locked and that items inside them such as bikes are securely locked.

Officers have also asked anyone who has any information about this incident to get in touch.

Information can be provided to the police by completing an online form on Gloucestershire police's website quoting incident 282 of January 3. 

Contact the police if you witness any suspicious activity and dial 999 if a crime is taking place. 

For advice on keeping your property safe visit 

Alternatively, information can be reported anonymously to Crimestoppers by calling 0800 555111.

The information comes from a community alert - police are unable to accept reports of crime through Neighbourhood Alerts.