COUNTESS Bathurst has announced a new campaign to support her service animal welfare charity which has been inspired by her love of cappuccinos. 

The National Foundation for Retired Service Animals - founded by Countess Bathurst who developed a love for service animals during her term as Gloucestershire High Sheriff in 2016 - has launched a Paws for a Coffee campaign.

The new campaign encourages people to donate the price of one coffee each month to support retired service animals across the UK.

Countess Bathurst regularly indulges in a cappuccino between meetings and visits and is encouraging people to turn their daily indulgence into an act of generosity.

The animal charity was set up to promote the care, wellbeing and welfare of retired service animals from across the emergency services such as the police, fire, prison and border force. 

Wilts and Gloucestershire Standard: Paws for a Coffee campaign Paws for a Coffee campaign (Image: NFRSA)

Its motto is 'Protect Our Protectors’ and it helps with medical and veterinary bills, which inevitably occur as the animals get older.

Supporters can donate by going to the charity's website and select from the caffeine inspired menu; £3 (one coffee), £6 (two coffees), or £9 (three coffees).

Countess Bathurst said: "The cause of the NFRSA has captured the hearts of many kind and passionate supporters, to whom we are unendingly grateful. 

"Together, we are ensuring the twilight years of our faithful four-legged partners are happy and well lived, and the generous support we have been shown in our first year gives us great confidence that we can make a real difference to the welfare of these magnificent animals in retirement going forward.”