MORE than 90 disgruntled residents have objected to a proposed development of 54 new homes in Lechlade.

Developer Hallam Land Management submitted an application for a residential development on land north of the Wern in Lechlade on Tuesday, September 19.

This follows a previous application submitted by the developer for 100 homes across a more expansive site which was withdrawn last year.

The new application proposes 54 new homes (includes around 22 affordable homes), highway access from The Wern, a new pedestrian route, cemetery extension and associated landscaping, earthworks, parking, engineering works and infrastructure.

Wilts and Gloucestershire Standard: Parameter plan for proposed development Parameter plan for proposed development (Image: Hallam Land Management / David Lock Associates)

Electric vehicle charging points for every new home proposed were also included in plans.

The proposed site is located on the western flank of Lechlade, north of High Street (A417) and immediately off The Wern and measures 3.51 hectares in size.

This site has previously been used as agricultural land and is bounded by hedgerows and trees.

Wilts and Gloucestershire Standard: Site plan for proposed development Site plan for proposed development (Image: Hallam Land Management / David Lock Associates)

In a planning document a spokesperson for Hallam Land Management stated: "This statement has set out a robust case for the proposed residential development on land off The Wern, Lechlade.

"The development would significantly contribute to the supply of a mix of housing to meet identified local needs, and any potential adverse effects can be satisfactorily mitigated through planning conditions and planning obligations."

However, over the last month objections from local residents have been flooding in.

At the time of writing there was more than 90 objections, and just one comment in support on the CDC planning website.

Concerns have been raised about the impact of wildlife habitats, such as the owls which are currently living in barns on the site.

Other residents said that Lechlade does not have the infrastructure to support this development, and stated that the size/ location of the homes contradicts the local plan.

For example, one resident said: "This development means 150 plus more people requiring access to an already over stretched doctors surgery.

"In due course a development of this area is inevitable but this should not be permitted until the neighbourhood plan identifies the need or want."

Another resident echoed this sentiment and raised concerns about the conditions of the road if this development was to go ahead.

They said: "I would like to add extra concerns with regards to the access to Lechlade and the condition of highways in general in the local area.

"We can't cope now let alone with another 54 houses, sort these issues first, create more parking and increase the capacity for the local school and doctors surgery and then I can possibly support a proposal on a smaller scale."

Other resident added: "We are frustrated that this application has been submitted so soon after the October 2022 application was withdrawn.

"It was withdrawn due to overwhelming opposition from local residents, the community, local and district councils, and various regulatory bodies.

"This application is remarkably similar to the last one, but the applicant has simply reduced the scope of the application into a 'phased approach' with two planning applications being raised."

To view the application visit