CIRENCESTER residents have been invited to a meeting at The Royal Agricultural University to raise any concerns about the proposed £100 million Innovation Village development. 

The university says the proposed 29-acre site will house a community of “entrepreneurs” and “policymakers” working to address the major global challenges that we all face. 

Their plans for the new site, includes research and education facilities, incubator and grow-on space, live and work units, as well as a hotel and conference centre.

The RAU will be holding two meetings on Tuesday, June 27 at the university’s Alliston Centre where residents will get the chance to learn more about the proposed development and share any concerns they may have.

Wilts and Gloucestershire Standard: Proposed area for the Innovative Village development Proposed area for the Innovative Village development (Image: The Royal Agricultural University)

There will be a short 20-minute presentation from RAU staff and the Innovation Village architects followed questions from the audience. 

On Tuesday the morning meeting will take place between 8am and 9.30am and the evening slot is between 6pm until 7.30pm.

Meetings with local businesses and organisations are also in the works to allow them the opportunity to feedback on the plans. 

The RAU hopes to be in a position to submit a planning application to Cotswold District Council later this year with a view to hopefully gaining full planning consent by next spring.

RAU vice-chancellor professor Peter McCaffery said: “Ever since we first discussed this concept, we have always felt that it is vitally important to engage with local people, as well as other stakeholders and businesses, not only to keep them abreast of our plans but also to make sure they are able to ask us any questions they may have.

"While we know we need to grow and develop, it is vital that we take the town with us on this journey and that we help the people of the town to understand what we are doing and why, and give them to opportunity to have their say.”

Wilts and Gloucestershire Standard: Architect plans for Innovation Village developmentArchitect plans for Innovation Village development (Image: The Royal Agricultural University)

Anyone who would like to attend will need to register for a free ticket on

The university said the RAU shuttle bus will be made available to residents who do not have transport for free.

It will transport guests from Cirencester town centre to the venue, and back to the town centre again after the meeting.

More information about the Innovation Village plans can be found on