A SPACE for men to gather, chat and build practical items has opened in South Cerney.

The Churn Project, a non-profit organisation in Cirencester, set up the Men's Shed to prevent social isolation and to provide a space where men can engage with each other.

This brand-new shed is situated at the rear of Mill Close community room in Mill Close, Boxbush, South Cerney. 

It has been funded by several trusts and organisations which include The Barnwood Trust, Cirencester Signpost, The Glow Fund and The National lottery. 

Over 30 people attended the shed's official opening on the Monday, April 3.

Wilts and Gloucestershire Standard: Natasha Biggs, funding administrator, from the Barnwood Trust cutting the tape off the new Men's Shed in South Cerney with Graham Harris, engagement worker, for The Churn Project.Natasha Biggs, funding administrator, from the Barnwood Trust cutting the tape off the new Men's Shed in South Cerney with Graham Harris, engagement worker, for The Churn Project. (Image: Graham Harris)

It is open every Monday and holds practical workshops for up to 10 people at a time.

Last Monday's session involved a toolbox talk from Richard, a volunteer carpenter, who taught the group how to handle the tools safely and how to  use personal protective equipment correctly. 

Graham Harris joined The Churn Project a year ago and said: "The opening was very successful, there was a lot of very happy people which is what this is all about.

"When you hear laughter in the shed, you know it's doing what it was set up for.

"It's a place for men to gather and feel loved, accepted and a space to be amongst friends."

Wilts and Gloucestershire Standard: Members of the public looking at the brand-new Mitre saw bought by South Cerney Parish Council for the shedMembers of the public looking at the brand-new Mitre saw bought by South Cerney Parish Council for the shed (Image: Graham Harris)

"We want it to be a fully inclusive place where everyone is welcome.

"We have made adaptions to make disabled people comfortable for example we have put in work benches that accommodate wheelchairs and a ramp outside to provide easy access to the facilities." 

Lots of local organisations have chipped in on this community venture for examples tools have been donated by the members of the public and South Cerney Parish Council. 

There have been many requests for the shed to build items for schools, care homes, Cirencester town centre and the Cirencester Town Council.

The Churn Project is planning to set up another Men’s Shed in Cirencester and plans are currently being drawn up to place it in Cirencester Town Centre. 

It is intended for both sheds to be open two days a week.

For information about the project email graham.harris@thechurn.org.uk