DEDICATED volunteers and community organisations have come together to help those struggling to pay heating bills by setting up warm places in Malmesbury.  

Some sessions have already begun in the library, the Kings Church and the United Reformed Church. 

While other sessions will be starting in the New Year, including a weekly lunch club at the Town Hall which will offer older people subsidised meals. 

Full details of the additional free sessions and activities programme will be published shortly.  

Warm spaces are places where people can gather for free in a safe and welcoming place if they are struggling to heat their home.

The work is being led by town mayor, Cllr Kim Power and deputy mayor and Wiltshire councillor Cllr Gavin Grant. 

Malmesbury mayor Kim Power said: “Many are facing a tough time this winter and are finding it difficult to afford heating,

“Other skyrocketing bills are also a worry. 

“One way people can reduce their heating bill is by spending time in a warm place, outside of their home. 

“Huge thanks to all involved for working together to make this possible and to the Wiltshire Council Area Board for providing grant funding and support for the programme.”

Deputy mayor and Wiltshire Councillor for Malmesbury, Cllr Gavin Grant said:  "It's very good to have both Councils Wiltshire and Malmesbury, plus our town's venues and charities coming together to do everything we can to support all those individuals and families that will need help this winter." 

So far, those organisations contributing to the programme in Malmesbury are: Malmesbury Abbey, Activity Zone, Co-Op, HEALS, Kings Church, Library, Malmesbury Town Council, Malmesbury and Villages Community Area Partnership, Riverside Community Centre, St. Aldhelm’s Church, United Reformed Church and the Wiltshire Council Area Board.