CAN we, through your pages, ask for an explanation for the extraordinary lack of transparency over the granting of a planning permission on the edge of Quenington village.

The parish council was unanimous in its opposition as was the CPRE and many villagers with well reasoned letters.

The objections were not concerning a building on this sensitive site but to its size which rides a coach and horses through the Cotswold Design Code.

A small group, the chair of planning, her deputy and the officer ignored the many letters, did not open it to the planning committee and no site visit was arranged –in this case a necessity as neighbours are deeply affected.

What is more alarming the decision was taken behind closed doors.

No minutes of this meeting have been issued, and even today, our local councillor has not been officially informed of the outcome of this meeting nor the reasons for its decision.

There are no means of appeal unless large sums of money are involved and  no allowance for public debate. Covid cannot be blamed.

This secretive way of deciding matters of public interest is bad governance.

It undermines public confidence in CDC because it opens the institution to charges of bias.

We urge Cllrs Layton and Brassington as chair and vice-chair of the planning committee to explain their disregard for the voters, not merely those of Quenington but within the district.

Also, will they confirm their future commitment to open and transparent decision making in all planning issues. 

Lucy Abel Smith, Eliza Abel Smith  Patricia Beaumont, Elspeth Bonas, Simon Bowcock, Mark Bullimore, Joneen Casey, Hilarie Chester, Ian Chesters,  Richard Cleghorn Brown, Andrew Coulter, Betina Coulter,Patrick Crosthwaite, Oliver Dann, Bill

Davis, Jessica Douglas Home, Tara Douglas Home, Ana Evans, Martha Flood, Rosemary Gardner, Nicholas Kent, Adam Kimberley, Jeremy Linden, Lauren McEvat, Anthony Suchlick, Louise Russell, Catherine Zoraida
