Three very talented artists from St Mary’s School who created lovely pictures to celebrate this year’s Christmas theme of the 12 days of Christmas came together to officially switch the town’s Christmas lights on at a secret location in Tetbury, writes Kevin Painter.

Councillor Gary O’Connor gave the traditional countdown for the children to press the button and was heralded with a joyous cry as lights all over the towns homes came to life.

So at 6pm, the children pressed the magic button.

The children were then given a Christmas box of chocolates, by the deputy mayor Peter Coleman.

They were then tasked officially by the mayor of Tetbury Ann Pearce to tour the Tetbury Christmas light Trail and pick a winner.

She gave them a list of the houses that have been entered for the Christmas light competition.

And of course as soon as we get that result you will know.

After the challenging year that everyone has faced during this crisis the simple ceremony and the look of joy on the children’s faces truly summed up the real meaning of Christmas and the joy it brings.

Thank you to the three very special children, Dorothy (8) Evaleigh (9) and young Tom (5), whose picture was chosen not only because it’s a lovely picture but it was felt it symbolised the connection between Tetbury and it’s French twin town Chatillon Sur Indre.

Even though this was a far more simple and smaller celebration the children were just as thrilled by winning the competition and also then to be asked to judge the towns lights.

Tetbury mayor Ann Pearce was also made to feel special as one of the children told her ‘she was more important than the mayor of New York’.

High praise indeed, but it shows how the children felt honoured by this request. So well done to these three amazing young ambassadors for our town.

As Christmas is the official season of goodwill and sharing, this simple gesture epitomises our wonderful town to everyone.