STUDENTS and staff from Cirencester College joined together to remember those that lost their lives at war on Armistice Day.

Despite restrictions meaning a full ceremony couldn't be performed, a short service was filmed and shown via livestream to staff and students in time for a two minute silence at 11am.

Principal Jim Grant welcomed staff and students to the service and highlighted the sacrifices made by not only British soldiers, but soldiers from all over the Commonwealth who united to help the war effort.

He also brought attention to the impact that World War II had on the local area in particular, including how Cricklade and Purton (where many Cirencester College students currently live) were targeted and bombed in broad daylight on this day 80 years ago.

Uniformed Public Services students then marched to gather in front of the college’s own cenotaph, before a two minute silence was observed. Following this, wreaths were placed on the cenotaph and the last post was played.

Cirencester College principal Jim Grant said: "We think this is one of the most important events in the college calendar.

"Over 1,000 young people regularly attend (voluntarily) our regular event because it resonates with them.

"Many of those who gave their lives in past conflicts for our freedom were only a year a so older than our students.

"When we were unable to provide a socially distanced event, the next best option was a streamed event which even students at home and parents can ‘take part’ in."