Kemble/Somerford Keynes/ Poole Keynes news by Pat Ayres

JUST giving readers the update I received from the Kemble and Ewen Parish Council chair Roger Pettit.

Despite the present pandemic, parish council business continues to be dealt with as usual.

Although the meetings cannot presently take place in the village hall, the parish council continues to meet on the published dates and times via video link.

The first item on the agenda remains, as usual, to receive any contributions from residents.

Residents can join the meeting by obtaining details of the video link from the parish clerk.

Copies of the agendas and minutes are on the website for the information of residents.

You can contact Sarah Broadley, the parish clerk, on 01285 770758 or via email -

WALKERS please note that currently on the footpath linking Kemble and Ewen, the footbridge, over the Ewen bridge has been taped off awaiting the damaged boards to be repaired but if you follow the signs you can still get around that area to continue your journey.