Covi-19 is a microscopic and virulent unseen enemy capable of constantly and indiscriminately attacking the entire human species wherever the opportunity occurs.

Ms. G Millar’s letter (March 26) in summary, stated ‘it is only the elderly with pre-existing conditions who need to self-isolate’. HOW WRONG WAS THAT STATEMENT!!

Mrs E Smith’s letter (March 26) Whilst making some very good points on the possible adverse health and economic effects of government measures to counter the spread of the virus; then posited that ‘another quarter to half million deaths is the likely order of events’ HOW ACCEPTABLE IS THAT STATISTIC? Especially to the bereaved!

Mrs J Rose’s letter (April 2) Attacking these views, was in the main, far more balanced and she clearly felt as do I : That this worldwide health crisis which daily claims tens of thousands of lives of those of all ages; clearly requires that we should trust the combined views of hundreds of thousands of scientists, epidemiologists and health experts and self-isolate to limit the virus spread to save lives.

Following this advice seems to be the best way forward to me!

Dr R House letter (April 16) Then entered the debate under the heading ‘Orwellian’ with a defence of the right of all views to be heard.

I am sure that no-one would argue otherwise, but do those views have merit.

If the axiom that, ‘the first casualty of war is truth’ holds fast, then surely; ‘the second casualty of war is personal freedom’ and it therefore follows that ‘the greater good’ must come before self.

There are those few selfish individuals who continue to assert that their rights supplant those of the entire communities in which they reside : Surely it is only right and fair that in such cases that arrogance should be brought to task and they be shown the error of their ways, if only as a deterrent to other anti-social people.

The current additional powers democratically given by Parliament to the Government to take the necessary measures in a speedy manner to combat Covid-19 on the best available professional advice are not ‘Orwellian’ they are to be used only upon scientific advice and are subject to Parliamentary oversight and accountability (and only for the duration of the epidemic).

Their purpose is to enable systems to act as fast as possible in a constantly evolving health threat environment. DON’T WE ALL WANT THIS?

This Act does not presage a ‘dystopian’ world of 1984 : Whilst our Queen can no longer dissolve Parliament or dismiss her Government; Boris Johnson has continually demonstrated his democratic beliefs in the freedoms and rights of the individual and also the people of the UK would not allow such dictatorship in any event!

The whole point is that we are at war with this virus which is indiscriminately killing multiple thousands of our people and we need order and discipline within our communities if we are to effectively fight back save lives and beat this common enemy.

To me personal views, without very substantial evidences in support, as just rhetoric.

Personally, I much prefer to put my faith in the advice of worldwide scientific consensus

So : Please follow all the advice and help protect those you love and where possible help others in your community.

K. Woosnam
