A LONE Brexiteer held a party for one in Stroud on Friday, in protest about the UK not leaving Europe.

Nicholas Franklyn said that he was inspired to take to the forecourt of Stroud Subscription Rooms on March 29 despite the proposed departure date passing without any sign of the UK leaving Europe.

"I'm a firm supporter of us leaving the EU and I had arranged to have a street party on March 29 when we should have come out of Europe," Mr Franklyn explained.

"When nothing happened I told everyone else not to bother coming, but I still wanted to do something in protest.

"I'm fed up with us being dictated to by Europe, and I'm worried that we're in danger of that happening for the rest of our lives."

Inspired to take a stance Nicholas equipped himself with a loudspeaker, and dressed in a Union Jack patterned jacket and tie, played out the national anthem and the hymn Jerusalem.

"What we really need is for all the countries currently in Europe to leave," he explained.

"Then we can all restart negotiating to see how we work together again."

Asked what he hoped to achieve with his protest on Friday Mr Franklyn said: "I'm just one person, but it's time we came together in protest."