Mystery and Wonder

HAVING been a contributor to Christian Comment for several years now, I welcome the change to a more inclusive approach through this new column - Thought for the Week.

Life is busy – too busy – for many of us.

Our heads are full of “to do” lists and “must have” lists.

Most probably leaving little time for us to reflect on the more existential things of life.

So, I would like to offer you just one brief thought that perhaps you might find time to ruminate on through the coming week.

I must confess it’s not an original thought of mine but of an eastern orthodox priest.

“It is not the task of Christianity to provide easy answers to every question, but to make us progressively aware of a mystery. God is not so much the object of our knowledge as the cause of our wonder”

So, as we see signs of spring blossoming all around us, I hope you can find some time this week to savour the glories of God’s creation and to indulge in some blessed wondering.

Jane Court MA Leader of Specially4You: MBC’s ministry to adults whose needs are special