NOW that Cotwold District Council’s Local Plan has been accepted we can expect several thousand new vehicle movements per day around the town during and after the Chesterton Site is developed up to 2031.

We know from independent surveys that Cirencester will have a higher traffic density on our roads than any other similar sized market town in the UK and therefore higher pollution levels.

This is compounded by an inefficient road infrastructure that lacks a true ring road.

Our road system therefore intrude into the living community and since traffic related air pollution can extend up to 200 meters away from the source it means most houses in the town will receive varying degrees of contaminated air.

Worryingly this includes schools and colleges whose pupils we know are at most risk from chest infection related diseases viz asthma.

This whole situation is made much worse by the siting of the new Chesterton development on the south west side of the town causing hundreds of extra vehicles at peak times attempting to access the A417 on the north east side using congested town roads.

The latest 2017 official CDC Nitrogen dioxide (NO2) measurements in the town are only just under the EU limits at two locations, Gloucester Road and the London Road.

The former is only 150 yards from a very busy primary school.

At a recent full council meeting (11 December 2018) I asked the council what measures will be taken to improve air pollution monitoring.

The only response from the council was electric vehicles would help the situation.

The councillor was unaware that electric vehicles will continue to add brake and tyre dust to the atmosphere which contributes as much particulate matter to the air as tailpipe gases such as NO2 and SO2 (EU commissioned Report 2014).

To add irony and double standards to the situation we have been told by a council member that Park and Ride System will not be implemented because of unacceptable air pollution and loss of green field sites!

It seems that the councillors that approved the massive 100 acre Chesterton development site have already forgotten about it even before the first brick is laid!"

Dr David J James
