LAST Wednesday evening I heard from a friend that a resident had been rehomed to a flat in Cirencester only to find that he had no electricity, heating, hot water ...... nothing!

He didn't know who to turn to for help?

I was so cross about this that I posted on the Facebook page, Cirencester, A Local Town for Local People, telling this story and asking if anyone could please help him?

Even though this was done in the latter part of the evening I almost immediately received a reply from Cllr. Roly Hughes who immediately took this matter into his own hands and who sent an email to someone he knew in the appropriate department explaining this situation even though this gentleman did not live in his ward.

He also contacted me personally explaining to me what he had done and informed me that he expected to receive a reply the next morning. I must add that I also received a lot of comments from other members of this group with suggestions of help for this gentleman and I would like to say a very big thank you to them too for their help.

When I turned on my pc the following morning there was a message to me from Cllr. Hughes informing me that he had received a telephone call from the person he knew and that she knew nothing about all of this until she read his email.

She then told him that someone would be visiting this gentleman that morning to get everything sorted out and true to her word by lunchtime this gentleman had all of his utilities up and running.

I feel that Cllr. Hughes deserves a very big thank you for getting involved with helping a desperate Cirencester resident in need and for getting this situation resolved for this gentleman.

Roly, as we all affectionately know him, is a very busy man and gives a 100% to his commitments as a Cllr. I feel that he went over and above his duties to help this unfortunate gentleman.

Nice one Roly and well done!!!

With thanks

Sandra Jones
