THE electronic technology finally contributed something to civilisation, when Professor Michael Sandel of Harvard University, one of the most intelligent men on the planet, recorded his lecture on Utube, inviting all people to consider becoming a ‘Citizen of the World’.

Naturally, Mrs May, a bird brain by comparison, was quick to say that such wisdom had no meaning.

Brexit appears to be an extension of Nationalism, that no nation should ever cooperate with any other nation.

Protectionism and Isolationism are the future to trust.

Britain appears to be awash with Nationalism, insisting that British people, for some unknown and unstated reason, are a superior form of the human species.

They get angry if you do not agree.

That appears to be a characteristic of all Nationalists, that they are constantly angry about something, and that gives the rest of us a valuable insight into a totally irrational philosophy. It comes from the gut.

There is no element of thinking involved: it is an emotional spasm, all over the world.

Exactly the same emotion flares up in millions of guts in Iran and North Korea, with this slight variation, which British adults have overlooked, that they alone, Iranians and Koreans, are the finest specimens of humanity to grace the planet.

During the 20th century, this conflict of opinion which we call Nationalism, divided into about 190 different versions, in each country, caused the slaughter of well over 50 million victims.

I had thought that this was a very powerful argument to coax Nationalists of all shapes, to learn some analytical self-criticism.

But that would involve engaging the brain and looking beyond your navel.

Neville Westerman