
  • Christmas comes very early to Tetbury

    ENJOY a Christmas lunch with all the trimmings at The Close Hotel in Tetbury on Sunday, July 14. For tickets call 01666 504 213. All proceeds will go towards Christmas in Tetbury to pay for this year’s festive light display.

  • Empty school room in Malmesbury Town Hall could become hub

    THE Market Room at Malmesbury Town Hall is set to be turned into a community hub after standing empty for the best part of three years. Proposals for a space where community groups and local services could set up shop have been on the cards for

  • Police warn of doorstep trader danger

    POLICE are reminding the public to be aware of unauthorised door traders after an elderly woman was charged £180 for cleaning products. The 74-year-old victim was visited by a man at her property on Deans Quarry in Burleigh, near Stroud at 1.45pm

  • Appeal after 71-year-old assaulted in Coates

    POLICE are appealing for information after a 71-year-old man was pushed to the ground and punched and kicked by two young men in Coates. The attack took place after he confronted them about being verbally abusive towards his partner on the evening

  • Dementia volunteer attends Royal Garden Party

    HELPING people cope with dementia and improving their quality of life is a cause close to Val McKay's heart. The Great Rissington woman cares for her mother Joyce who has Alzheimer's disease, the leading cause of dementia. In 2011 she set up

  • Campaign launched to fight flat fires

    A CAMPAIGN has been launched to cut deaths in flat fires across Gloucestershire. Firefighters from Gloucestershire Fire and Rescue Service will be inspecting flats throughout the county, making sure escape routes and clear and alarm systems are

  • Man pleads guilty to dangerous driving

    A DRUNKEN stable hand who lost control of his car on a busy main road near Cirencester and crashed into two other vehicles will be sentenced next month. Ukrainian Dmytro Nadtochii, 27, of Alan King Stables, near Swindon, pleaded guilty at Gloucester

  • Cotswold Motoring Museum treated to royal visit

    COTSWOLD Motoring Museum’s 90th anniversary was given a royal seal of approval last week. HRH the Duke of Kent was at the museum, in Bourton on the Water, to open Mud, Track and Tarmac, an exhibition celebrating nine decades of the Cotswold Motoring

  • Crime Commissioner Martin Surl speaks out on gun licensing

    THE price of gun licences should take into account the cost to the taxpayer of processing them, Gloucestershire’s Police and Crime Commissioner has said. Martin Surl made the statement this week following the revelation by the Association of Chief