TALENTED Farmor’s students took to the stage for their production of Return of the Forbidden Planet.

The play was extra special because it was the last show to be directed by head of drama Steve Martin who retires at the end of this week.

He said: “It was an absolute joy to be in a rehearsal for this year’s school show where the actors were sitting in a group taking themselves through a line rehearsal, the designers were painting the set, those responsible for lighting were testing the lanterns that they’d rigged and, from time to time, actors would disappear for costume fitting.

“The director’s dream was realised – I had nothing to do. This is what we do, give opportunities for those who wish to act, sing, play an instrument, rig lanterns, design sets, make costumes, apply make-up. And there is a continual process of replenishment, so those who have just acquired skills now will go on to develop those and pass them on to younger students in their turn. It’s a delight.”