IN A recent article on the Park Community Group open meeting there was insufficient space to report on many major issues raised by Cirencester people.

The Local Plan should be examined and approved by the government inspector before the enormous Bathurst application is considered.

Kingshill residents reported that their developers had promised a new doctors surgery, bus service and community stop, which did not happen.

BDL have yet to publish the viability assessment essential for any large planning application.

BDL are unable to justify their claims for increased employment – but Chesterton jobs have been lost with the closure of the farm shops, and the sale of the farming equipment. 

BDL have promised to provide a new primary school, but only after hundreds of houses have been sold. But families moving to Cirencester now have found that the local primary schools are full and their children have to be bussed out to villages as far as Wiltshire.

Apparently at the instigation of BDL spin doctors there were adjustments to the meeting agenda, and those offered the microphone were carefully chosen to avoid awkward questions. Even so it was very clear that the vast majority of the 300+ people present opposed the application. 

Unfortunately, Cotswold District Council Cabinet members were conspicuous by their absence, which is a pity because it is their duty to consider local opinion.

Indeed, throughout the discussion of the proposed Chesterton Farm 2,350 homes, Cotswold District Council has never held its own public meeting for its cabinet members to consult Cirencester people on this enormous unprecedented application.
