I AGREE with Michael Goss, a multi-storey car park in the Waterloo would be an abuse of power on the part of the mayor and the council. 

Not one item of information on this plan has come through the letterbox and we have not been given an opportunity to comment on the plan. 

The council gave permission for a new block of apartments and four shops which raised the profile of The Waterloo and the Woolmarket. 

Now they want to degrade the area which will in turn devalue the surrounding residential properties leaving the council open to demands of compensation. 

The homeless, addicts and vagrants will find shelter in the car park. 

The Waterloo is a dead-end and articulated lorries come into the street everyday with no turning point so they spend several minutes doing three point turns, holding up the traffic trying to enter the car park and sometimes knocking branches off the trees.

Most of them back along the street at some point and others after turning back along into the Argos car park. 

Another 150 cars entering the road and 300 plus people trying to cross the road to the town is sure to lead to accidents.

With no circulation of traffic the pollution will be greatly increased at a time when the government is trying to reduce pollution and this will increase costs to the NHS as the people, mostly the young and elderly, who live here suffer more illness as a consequence. 

Theresa May has been forced by the High Court to confer with Parliament before acting, so too should Cirencester Town and the County Council confer with people who live in the Waterloo and listen to their opinions. 

A forward-looking council should be looking at ‘park and ride’ with so much open land around the town.
