I AM A constituent of the Cotswold parliamentary constituency and have repeatedly and politely tried to get an answer from Mr Geoffrey Clifton-Brown MP without success. 

I have just sent him this letter, which I would ask you to consider for publication.

Dear Mr Clifton-Brown,

I do not know what your guidelines are for response to constituents but in my case you seem to have decided on a policy of no-response. 

My policy when writing to you is to be polite and brief.

However, when we find ourselves in the middle of the biggest political crisis since 1945, a crisis caused largely by your party, I am dissatisfied by your lack of response to say the least.

I have asked you to let me know your reasons for supporting Brexit. 
That seems reasonable enough as you are my parliamentary representative. 

There is nothing on your website and in months of asking I have had almost nothing from you, except a knowingly false claim that the referendum constituted a democratic obligation on the government and an unverified and unverifiable self-assessment that you are a true democrat. 

So, my confidence in you as a provider of truthful information is low.
I don’t know how you prioritise matters of concern for your constituents but anyone looking at your website will not be enlightened on your views of the present crisis. 

In fact, the effect is a surreal transportation back to the comfortable shires of Country Life or Horse and Hound.

What I would like you to do is to meditate upon the terrible division in this country that the government is causing by its present course, a division which will not heal and which may result in the break up of the UK. 

I would also like you to place yourself for a moment in the historical perspective where the EU has successfully provided an alternative model to that of a Europe riven by violent conflict for 400 years. 

I would also like you to remember at all times the fact that the overwhelming majority of people under the age of 25 voted to Remain within the EU and the threat you and your party are placing to their future.

I now send my letters that I write to you to the local press, in the hope that they will begin to make it more widely known that you are, in my case at least, living up to the reputation of being the 599th least responsive MP in the land, out of a total of 630 listed by writetothem.com
