It saddened me to see the headlines of the August 4 edition concerning our ambulance service.

Every day I thank God for the 101 service, who located me via my mobile phone, and the ambulance staff who rescued me from a fall into a ditch on an early morning dog walk in January, giving me gas and air as I had broken tibia and fibula bones, dislocated my ankle, and had an open wound from the bone piercing my flesh, and treated me so promptly, kindly and with such concern. 

They got me to the Great Western Hospital quickly, where the wound was cleaned and the ankle put back in place, and then on to the wonderful Trauma and Plastics Ward in Southmead Hospital, Bristol. 

The next day the consultants and surgeon mended me with plates and pins and managed to stitch my ankle.

Since then I have been recovering slowly and walking much better now though it will take time and trying to do my exercises as recommended by Richard, my physio at Cirencester Hospital.

There is no way I can thank adequately all the various NHS professionals and services who have helped me.

They have been my salvation and as for my family, well they have all sustained me with love and care during this time and I am unable to express that adequately either.

Many, many thanks to everyone.

However, many patients, such as I, are helped day in and day out by our amazing health services and staff.

When it goes wrong sometimes it is such a pity and sad that blame is given more readily than gratitude.

J.Rita Allen