PETER Mitchell’s suggestion that the proposed Chesterton development should be built in Cirencester Park (Letters April 8) is excellent.

The old excuse, used to prevent the mainline railway crossing the park, that it would “spoil the view” will no longer suffice. 

The sensitive use of new, imaginative and innovative design could instead enhance and underscore the beautiful classical contours of the park. 

The wall surrounding the park is an eyesore on the southern approach to the town and gets even uglier as it intrudes into the town centre.

The Bathurst family expressed their own revulsion by growing the ‘tallest yew hedge in Britain’ to block their view of the wall. 

Why not tear down this ugly, superannuated and divisive wall and build a tree-lined avenue of residential housing incorporating elements of the elegance and beauty of Cirencester House or the unique vernacular architecture of our town (like the few remaining terraces of weavers’ cottages)?
