I AM writing to express my disappointment and disbelief at the two accounts of the meeting held in the Dolphins Hall to address the current low morale in Tetbury, which were published on March 24.

The coverage gave a platform to critics and malcontents espousing backward thinking and ridiculed and maligned Will Cook’s positive vision, totally stifling his response from the floor that night.

If you only read the newspaper reports you would be led to believe these dissidents came out on top and that the role of theatre and art was as trite as Imelda Marcos’ shoe collection in the face of the more pressing need to fund more doctors.

It almost suggested that the hard won funding that the Goods Shed has been awarded for this town would be better if redirected into the NHS.

My first complaint is that I think it was below the belt if not downright rude to ridicule people for your own comedic effect and I do not laugh with conspiratorial conspirital mirth when Leslie Brain slags off mayor Sandra Ball and her town council.

The timing was unfortunate at the end of Sandra’s time in office and I would like her to know that I think she has been first class in her role. 

While I am on the ridicule subject I would like to add that your summing up of Will Cooks’ presentation about the Goods Shed as ‘painting an alluring picture of Larkrise to Candlewick Green’ also will have missed its mark with anyone who knows him.

There is nothing airy fairy or Sunday night saccharine about Will.

It was as if Will never spoke to allay the funding fears tabled at the beginning and the show of confidence in the ovation that he received at the end was also unacknowledged.

What is done is done but this kind of journalism hampers positive change and needs to be challenged.

It is easy to complain and criticise and our amazing Goods Shed team is certainly hampered by the obstacles thrown in its path.

Criticism is cheap and unhappy people destroy but we are not defeated.

