IN presenting the Local Plan for discussion, Cotswold District Council has attempted to put much importance on the necessity to preserve the nature of the Cotswolds, highlighting its traditional village character.

Parish councils and residents in the Cotswold district need to be alerted to a significant change in the emerging plan regarding development in rural communities.

In the previous round of consultation the emphasis was placed on policy SP7, which stated that development would not be permitted outside of the development boundaries if one of a number of criteria could not be met. These related specifically to setting, character, appearance, biodiversity, agricultural land, highway safety, flooding, drainage and amenity.

This policy no longer appears in the list of policies presented in the current round of consultation due for completion by December 21.

The emphasis has now moved to policy DS2. This is contradictory and conflicts with the conditions of SP7, and the criteria of SP7 should be adhered to.

Policy DS2 is so lax as to be meaningless. In order for development to proceed a village must have only one of five facilities – a village shop, a post office, a primary school, access to nearby employment and daily transport services.

Village shops and post offices have been and continue to be under threat. They are often dependent on voluntary labour and cannot be considered to be viable financial enterprises. In five years’ time many more will have disappeared.

An argument that employment is nearby can too easily be given, whereas in reality nearly all new houses in villages will be occupied by people who will have to travel to larger conurbations for work.

Direct transport links from villages to many of these centres do not exist. In addition, daily transport links are rudimentary and will probably decline. Developers often stress that their building work will provide employment, so adhering to this policy becomes a foregone conclusion.

A primary school is, however, a major consideration and existing schools may welcome an increase in their roles.

The Local Plan emphasises the importance of villages to the attraction of the district and policy DS2 is too relaxed. It makes no reference to the significant criteria listed in SP7 and completely degrades the importance of the policy.

There will be a total loss of control on building in sensitive rural areas and it will expose villages to inappropriate development.

