MAY I remind, or inform, the organisers of Cirencester’s current decorations that Christmas is a celebration of the birth of Jesus, not local businesses, for whom there are plenty of opportunities to advertise themselves, as in the local press for instance.

While I applaud companies sponsoring the Christmas lights in town, to add large adverts such as those hanging across our streets this year is inappropriate.

Only a few years ago some local firms offered to sponsor the town’s roundabouts but they were turned down because of possible large adverts being included.

They would have been more discreet than the things hanging over our heads at the moment.

So who gave permission for apparently one company to have their name splashed around the centre of town?

What’s in the offing for next year? Will we have banners imploring us to buy our mince pies from one well-known supermarket?

Christmas is Christ’s birthday. That is why we decorate our homes and our town centres. It is why we have a holiday and parties and give families and friends gifts.

Since Jesus is in the business of forgiving our sins, I too will forgive whoever is responsible for this year’s error.

But please, no company ads mixed with the lights next Christmas.

Happy Birthday, Jesus! May you know His Blessing this Christmas.

