IT WAS good to read in the Standard (July 3) of Cllr Tony Walsh’s proposal to provide a reservoir of information for people and how they can get social housing.

This is something the Tetbury Tenants & Residents Association has been lobbying for for a good number of years. In fact prior to this the Town Council has recently offered the association the use of a room in the council offices to provide such a service and also to assist in the bidding process.

We are currently awaiting assistance from CDC on how to implement this system safely and securely and with a human presence in Tetbury and will be seeking volunteers.

Now it seems the town council has an active interest in the plight created by the current inadequate housing system, might I publicly request that the town council arrange and facilitate a meeting with CDC housing officers and representatives from the various housing associations.

Areas of concerns previously raised that should be on the agenda include sensible local allocation, better protection and services for the elderly, quicker response for housing repairs possibly using local tradesman.

With the potential of many new social houses being built this is an ideal opportunity to go back to basics and to investigate them being managed locally (as Stroud District Council does) to give confidence and ensure fairness of not only getting a home but also making it your home.

There are a good number of new homes for single people and families planned, although bizarrely no provision for elderly or disabled people, even though one of the proposed sites is primarily for this group but not if you are seeking social housing.

This only scratches the surface of the concerns but perhaps now if such a meeting can be convened the opportunities can be realised.



Tetbury Tenants & Residents Association