I RECENTLY stood as the UKIP candidate in the Stratton/Whiteway by-election for the town council.

First of all may I, through the offices of your paper, congratulate the Lib-Dem candidate who won that election. I wish him well.

Secondly, may I thank all those people who turned out and voted for me and UKIP. I secured approximately 20 per cent of the vote, which is well above the national average for our party; so many, many thanks to those voters.

The Green party came in third place. I suspect that many of their votes were protest votes against the Lib-Dem party nationally. But I would caution people from flirting with the Greens, and would advise them if they really want to know about the Green agenda to read James Delingpole’s book Watermelons. It is a real eye opener and was the most important book on politics which I read last year.



Cotswold Branch UKIP