Some Things Need To Be Seen To Be Believed

'If you do this thing,' said the television producer three years ago, 'you will lose all credibility and never be taken seriously again.' I thought this through and went ahead. I don't actually need credibility. I am not a policeman or bean counter and so long as I am not like Bette Midler, who says she is not always sure if what she is saying is true, I believe the ultimate truth is between me and my maker. And not to be taken seriously seems a highly desirable state. I would rather have on my headstone 'She made me smile', than, say, 'She never said or did an amusing thing.'

But in all of us, even the silliest, there is a jot of reserve. A hope that people will see beyond the laugh and flippancy to a greater intellect and depth. I have lost all hope of that with what is about to happen. Let me explain. When I heard that there was to be a new charity shop in a prime site in Tetbury I wasn't best pleased. After all we have three charity shops already. I wanted a Harvey Nichols or trendy cyber cafe with contemporary art gallery. But, it seems, they didn't want us.