PARKING a car a couple of feet wide on a country lane may seem harmless at the time, but it can have grave consequences.

There have been horror stories of emergency services being delayed by cars blocking roads, even slightly, which have resulted in fatalities.

Obstructive parking has become a source of concern in Sherston for some time now and the problem is only getting worse.

The final straw was when a recycling truck couldn’t complete a cycle recently, leaving bins uncollected.

The parish council are trying to deal with it diplomatically, issuing warnings in the village magazine and broaching the issues with residents.

But, if the problem persists, road markings could be put in place and parking allocations introduced, which would affect even the most conscientious of residents.

One suggestion that has been aired – a likely last resort – is an out-village-car park to keep roads clear.

Nobody would want this inconvenience, so all parties are hoping the select few who are causing problems for the rest of the village get their act together.

It doesn’t take a lot to park slightly tighter, but the butterfly effect of parking a few inches wide could mean someone’s life is threatened – something nobody would want on their conscience.