TETBURY town councillors said more information was needed when considering two funding requests from local groups.

Councillors considered the funding requests at a town council meeting on Monday, April 24.

One grant request from the Tetbury Lions asked for £500 towards a workshop for 80 care providers to meet up on June 8 to discuss how they can collaborate to meet the town's need.

Another request for £500 from the Tetbury Community Bus group.

Cllr Walsh said regarding the funding for the latter group: "We have asked repeatedly for progress reports from that group. We have no information, we need to know details."

He added that the funding request should be referred to a separate meeting "without pressure of the press" and public, to a closed session or to the finance and scrutiny group, "so members can address what is going on".

Cllr Jason Williams added: "I am not saying it is a bad idea, but on the finance group, I am told we have to see the accounts before we can give money."