A YEAR 10 boy from Kingshill School was taken out of classes last week for a hairstyle that was deemed ‘extreme’ by teachers.

As punishment, Tiyree Philipson, 14, was put in exclusion where he would continue learning but be outside of his normal classes, away from his friends and classmates.

This is a common story to anyone who reads or indeed works in newspapers and one which rears its head every year, all over the country.

And of course as with all stories, there are two sides; a short back and sides in this case.

Teachers will say that the school rules are there for a reason and pupils, and perhaps more importantly their parents, must agree to abide by them.

On the other hand, the world young people grow up in today is vastly different to what it used to be.

Social media and celebrity culture have seen to that and whether or not Tiyree’s hairstyle was ‘extreme’ is a subjective matter – some might say it appears to be a fairly normal hairstyle for a modern teenager.