FLOOD victims whose homes have fallen victim to rising water levels will be able to apply for compensation of up to £1,000.

Gloucestershire County Council has announced that it is to put aside £50,000 to help people whose properties have been affected by the recent heavy rainfall.

Up to £1,000 per property will be made available to help homeowners replace damaged furniture and essential items or to help with their most immediate needs.

Cllr Vernon Smith, cabinet member for highways and flood, said the money was to help people through the difficulties of flooding.

“Having your home and possessions damaged by flooding is both upsetting and expensive,” he said.

“That’s why we are committing this money to help people in the community respond to issues relating to flooding in their properties in this recent event.”

The council’s funding will help people to buy necessities such as clothing, food, heating equipment, bedding and temporary accommodation costs.

Cllr Smith continued: “This money is reinforcing our ongoing commitment to flood alleviation and supporting flood victims since 2007.”

To apply for the compensatory cash, residents must register online and will then be asked to fill out an application form while also providing evidence of their flood damage.

Funding will be awarded to eligible applications, based on the date and time people registered online at www.gloucestershire.gov.uk/floodfund.