LOLLIPOP governors have got a hazardous junction near Ashton Keynes Primary School licked with a new scheme to help children cross the road safely.

A four-month road closure of the B4696 has prompted fears that increased traffic will cut through High Road in the nearby village.

The school has not had a crossing patrol for several years because no one has been willing to take on the role.

And with more than one hundred children crossing the High Road and Gosditch junction each day for school, governors decided action needed to be taken during the works.

School governor and parish councillor Dave Wingrove said: "We’ve been trying to get a lollipop person for ages and with the road closure we thought it was essential, so we decided to get our hands dirty and do it ourselves."

The 16-week road closure began earlier this month and is expected to last until June 20. Cllr Wingrove said traffic had already increased on the popular school route and was likely to continue.

Thames Water, who is carrying out the works to replace a section of a faulty water pipe under the B4696, provided the school with funding for the crossing patrol scheme.

However, the governors decided to volunteer an hour of their day on a weekly rota and donate the money to the school development fund instead.

Mum-of-two Jan Hopwood said: "I think it’s a great idea. It’s helped because there has been a lot of extra traffic. It shows the support in the community, and makes the children a bit more aware of road safety, which is good."

It is hoped that a person or group will come forward at the end of the road closure to continue what the governors have started.