CIRENCESTER College new principal Kim Clifford has vowed to make partnership one her priorities.

Ms Clifford recognises that she has joined the College at one of the most difficult times in education.

“It’s a phenomenally challenging time because of funding cuts,” she admitted.

“However, it is not all doom and gloom. I am totally optimistic,” she said.

Ms Clifford, 54, joins Cirencester College from Sir George Monoux Sixth Form College in Walthamstow, London, where she has been principal for the last five years.

Her immediate priority is to meet local partners, including schools, employers and the local authority. “I need to very quickly get out to meet our partners. It is crucial to work in partnership. We need to be more innovative and creative about how we share resources,” she explained.

“My view is that together you can move mountains,” she said.

Another priority is to maintain and improve the college buildings. “We missed out on capital funding for new buildings and will launch a fundraising campaign. Students and staff deserve a college that is fit for the 21st century.”

She describes herself as “passionate” about education and training. “Education has got to rise to the challenges but the Government has to recognise that we are crucial in generating the next workforce,” she explained.