THE MEYSEY Players, based in Meysey Hampton, are holding a series of free theatre workshops at The Bull Hotel, Fairford this spring and summer, and everyone is welcome to come along.

The sessions will be run by professional director Roger Jenkins, with the help of other members of the company. During his distinguished career in television and the theatre Roger has directed many productions including The Onedin Line, Poldark, Howard's Way and many Shakespeare plays.

Anyone interested in drama can turn up to any workshop.

You will be working on a variety of short scenes for two or three people, taken from plays and TV scripts. If you like you can bring your own piece (around half a page).

Roger and a couple of the Meysey players will work with you and develop the scene.

The Meysey Players' next production will be Shakespeare's Merry Wives of Windsor in 2005, and new members will be most welcome.

The workshops will be held between 3 and 6pm on the following Sundays: April 25, May 9, May 23, June 6, June 20, July 4.

They are an ideal way to introduce you to Shakespeare or to brush up your rusty old skills.

They provide a wonderful opportunity to work with an experienced director in an informal setting.

Just turn up and have a go or call Roger Jenkins on 01285 851355 if you have any queries.