Here is a Christmas message from Tetbury mayor Liz Farnham.

She said: "On behalf of Tetbury Town Council and everyone who works hard to provide services to the town and surrounding district, we wish you a wonderful Christmas and our best wishes for a happy, healthy and peaceful New Year.

"The many events held in Tetbury in the run-up to Christmas are a testament to a strong community spirit.

"They embody a feeling of involvement, inclusivity and support.

"After an itinerant life with a father who served in the army, Tetbury’s community spirit is why my husband and I have stayed in the town for nearly thirty years, embracing all that Tetbury has to offer.

"As the mayor of Tetbury I have the honour of being invited to many events and witnessing the community spirit in action.

"I have attended carol concerts at Christ Church and in Saint Saviour’s, the delightful concert put on by the staff and students of Sir William Romney’s School (with support from pupils of Saint Mary’s, Avening and Leighterton primary schools) and the wonderful concert in support of Tetbury Hospital.

"The weekly free Friendship Café, put on by the council, is hugely successful at bringing people together for a couple of hours every Thursday morning, to share refreshments, share stories, make friends and maybe take part in the activities on offer.

"The support and kind wishes we received from so many residents following the recent town meeting into the future of Tetbury Town Council has been heartwarming, thank you.

"We cannot, however, be complacent and 2024 will pose some big challenges but I am confident that we will address them together."