ISSUES such as poaching, hare coursing, illegal raves and theft of farm equipment were on the agenda at a rural crime community meeting in Northleach this week.

A panel of police officers and staff took questions for two hours from a large audience of farmers, wildlife activists, fishing groups and other local residents in The Westwoods Centre in Northleach on Tuesday, June 27.

Gloucestershire's police and crime commissioner Chris Nelson told the meeting that the constabulary’s rural crime team will expand and that he is hoping to attract even more officers when the Home Office Safer Streets Fund re-opens.

Gloucestershire Constabulary has recruited 164 extra officers, with more on the way, as part of the government’s uplift programme.

PCC Chris Nelson said: “I understand how rural communities suffer from being targeted by organised gangs, and how difficult it can be for the police to tackle it in isolated, rural areas where resources are less concentrated.

“I am exploring all avenues, including new police stations, to be able to provide the chief constable with the resources he needs. 

"We are also working closely with local communities and bodies like the National Farmers Union and Countryside Landowners Association on information gathering.

“Criminals are not constrained by borders so it is essential that we work with others to look at the wider picture, including better lines of communication with local residents who can do so much to help, prevent and detect.

“We have a beautiful county and I am determined to do all I can to keep it that way."