RON Harding, aged 102, was one of those great men who fought in Burma as part of the 14th Army.

Known as the 'Forgotten Army' because all the attention at the time was on the war in Europe following D-Day.

Ron, now living in Gloucester, remarkably narrowly escaped death and capture several times in the jungles and plains of Burma.

On one occasion, his position was overrun by the Japanese and he was forced to hide in a jungle hole for nigh on three weeks until he was rescued, suffering from dehydration and malnutrition.

The ABF The Soldiers Charity is holding a fundraising talk and supper at the Royal Agricultural University on Friday, July 20, at 6.30pm to highlight ‘The Chindits’ or ‘Forgotten Army’.

Renowned guide Piers Storie Pugh will give the talk.

Tickets cost £25 per person, that include wine and a fork supper.

Tickets are available from or 01980 672337.