RODMARTON School is celebrating its latest Ofsted report, which saw it progress from a school which ‘requires improvement’ to ‘good’.

The school had been on a long road of development since it was deemed to be ‘requiring improvement’ in 2014.

Carol Musty, who was appointed head teacher in January last year, said: “We are delighted with our inspection report which recognises the breadth of opportunities that we provide for our pupils.

“We are a strong team who work hard to make sure every child reaches their full potential.

“Our partnership with parents is strong and we look forward to building on this good practice and to continue to develop and grow our fantastic school.”

The school’s most recent inspection was made on September 20 and 21 by Alexander Baxter.

The inspector’s report says: “The head teacher provides strong leadership. She has played a key role in rapidly improving teaching and pupils’ achievement, especially in literacy and numeracy.

“Pupils learn well across most subjects. The most-able pupils make good progress because teachers challenge them to give of their best from an early stage.

“Past differences in the achievement of boys compared to girls have been diminished effectively.

“Pupils’ positive attitudes to all aspects of their learning are reflected in above-average rates of attendance.”

To improve, the report said the school would need to consistently develop pupils’ mathematical skills, improve their ability to spell, and extend their skills in a modern foreign language.